Today was the day. My first born child went off to her first day of First Grade. She's a "Grader" now! I can hardly believe this day has come.
She was up and dressed and ready to go by 7:00am (I have a feeling this may be the only day that this happens!) She asked for waffles for breakfast and piggy braids. We went out to take some "official first day photos" and to find the perfect flower for her classroom bouquet.
The first day of first grade is a big deal at her school. We arrived, brand new lunchbox in hand and found her new cubby. I then handed her off to her Kindergarten teacher, where she waited with her classmates to be presented to her new first grade teacher. Parents lined the hallway between the kindergarten and first grade rooms holding branches to create a green archway. The two Kindergarten teachers walked their students, one by one, through the archway, past all the parents who were now singing 'Tis a Gift to be Simple and led them to their new classroom door. "Mrs. L, Hannah is now ready to begin first grade" And Mrs. L greeted Hannah with a handshake and welcomed her into the classroom. It was so sweet to witness each child as they passed through. Each child's personality guided how they made this meaningful transition. Some were hesitant, others observant. Some were hasty and others proud and confident. It was hard not to cry as I watched all these children - so small, yet so ready, begin this new phase in their childhood.
And with that handshake, the first of thousands, her school day began.